Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year- 2011

It has been a wonderful day. I was able to study this morning for my Praxis test, work in my classroom, run errands with my wife, and spend time with the kids (who are currently waiting for me to come and race them in Mario Kart so I need to hurry).

This evening we had my parents and one of my nephews over. The kids played and played. I was able to blog my last post for 2010- a great post if I do say so myself- and visit with my parents and wife. Enjoy the pictures. They are pretty self explanatory.

 I love you sweetheart! Happy New Year's to you!

Game Time! I didn't do so hot in UNO- but I didn't come in last either! My Z-man played for the first time. he did really, really good AND I think he enjoyed it! 

My baby has to have a controller (even though it doesn't really do anything) and he has to sit with the kids and 'play'. What a cutie he is! 

My mom and dad even got in on the festivities! **Please note that my mother is TEXTING! Yup- she has conquered  her technology gap and is progressing nicely. Next thing ya know she will be posting on a blog! (I mean, come on, we got my dad on an iPod after. Who wudda thunk it?)

Talk about a peanut gallery. what a bunch of cuties! (the one on the far right is my nephew). 

Had to get a picture with the hat- They were both sleeping but I wanted them to be a part of the festivities! 

My amazing parents! Love the picture. Thanks for posing multiple times to get a good shot. Maybe someday I will learn how to actually use our camera...or not! Love you both! Happy New Year! 

My crazy son trying to rewind the confetti string. I love you buddy!

Happy New Year Blog Land and Readers! I wish you the very best in this New Year!


P.S. Notice today's date: 1-1-11. That won't happen again for a VERY long time. Where is Jessie Leech to throw an 11-11 party. I mean November should really be a national holiday when we hit 11-11-11!
Something to think about...


  1. I love the picture of the little boy in the party hat, fast asleep on the floor! Show that one to him in about twenty years. All the best from London, England

  2. New follower here. Great blog, and cute pic of your son and the hat. My youngest needs his controllwer too, even though it doesn't work.

  3. Happy New Year! What a great time your family looked like they had.

    Here's to a year even better than the last...


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