Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What Is The Solution?

As a teacher, there are many things that can cause frustration...but nothing causes me more heartburn than the end of the school year. While some teachers may be looking forward to kicking it in the sun or making that special trip, I simply find life annoying and stressful.
I simply do not understand how students can change in one weekend from motivated (for the most part) and respectful to what I have now. I want to chalk it up to puberty, but even that wouldn't account for it.
It isn't just this year's class either. It seems to be this same thing every year.
Now comes the problem...what to do about it!
I have tried a plethora of things from rewards to taking away privileges and special activities to trying to ignore the problems. Nothing seems to be working.
It seems with each passing day I get more frustrated and the kids just get more and more rowdy (although there might be a correlation between those two items...hmmmm).
So, all like 10 readers out there, what are your ideas, thoughts, and suggestions? Don't hold back, share away!


  1. I have nothing to offer since I'm not a teacher and don't have the same experiences. I do know that my teenagers are on the same path and it's frustrating as all get out - they seem to be more moody and lacksidasical (sp?) and really just not caring whether they show up for school or not.

    Conferences with parents? Call the parents in while you are teaching to observe their students so they can offer a solution, especially if the students are unaware the parents are there? - Just a thought but then again not being a teacher I don't know how this would work because from my experiences and listening to other teachers getting parents involved is the hardest thing to do, but most of the time they are the most unaware of what is going on in school since the kids tend to not pass notes to the parents or other things of importance and the only chance to make phone calls would be when you aren't in class but most of the kids are home by that time and would be aware of phone calls. There is no easy solution to this problem but when you find something that works, please let us know - from one of your ten readers - Mrs. E :)

    Elysabeth Eldering
    Author of the JGDS, 50-state, mystery, trivia series

    Where will the adventure take you next?


  2. Sorry Mr. H, but I don’t know what to offer up as advice. I’m just a parent! How many times have you heard that line??

    But if you were my child’s teacher and I rec’d a phone call from you, telling me my son is already on summer vacation and no longer focused on school, I would be upset. Make no mistake, Christopher’s mind would be back on track the following day, I promise you that.

    Kids see the light at the end of the tunnel, as much as you. And as the light brightens, they become more and more focused on that “light”, not school. It’s just reality.

    You could try telephoning parents and see if that works—but I doubt it. Try writing a general letter to all parents, explaining the importance of children, not to lose focus on school. You as the teacher will need to carefully explain why this is so important (may I suggest three reasons why), otherwise parents will simply disregard the letter.

    That might work.

    Comments from reader #2....

  3. Thanks for the ideas. I have really thought about what you have said to me. I value having the "other sides" point-of-view. I didn't have to call parents, I am happy to report, I simply had the principal meet with the students. Yesterday was a rough day, but today was muy better! I appreciate my 2 loyal readers comments! :)

  4. We need to chat...

    Sorry I've been MIA lately.


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