Friday, May 27, 2011

Day #5- ICU

Well, when you add 5 +5 + 5 you get 15. I think. So, what does that have to do with anything? A lot actually. I have had 15 hours of sleep in the past 4 days. Now, I know that the average is about 4 hours per night (which experts would tell you is NOT okay), but it has been 5 hours each night for three nights. So that is better. It really helps that I have some funds to stay at the Guest House across the street. Thanks again to everyone who has helped out.

When I arrived this morning, I grilled the nurse about her condition. Okay, maybe not "grilled" as that sounds like I yelled and stuff. I was a big question box. I have to give a huge kudos to the staff here at UVRMC. Talk about amazing. They really are a caring group. Never once have they made me feel dumb or silly for asking. In fact, they are constantly checking to see if I have any questions. I must say that I am getting good and telling what all the beeps and alarms mean (and this is good as it helps me not get as worried when they sound).

So, the update for the moment is (and I figure life is unpredictable and I can't go for more than the moment):
-Lungs clear
-Blood looks great (Still infected, however)
-Temp coming down and almost normal (she is at 37.4 C which is 99.3 F)
-Has been writing down questions like, "What day is it?", "How do I look?", and "Why can't I remember anything?" (And her handwriting is amazing even when she is sedated).
-Her surgery is scheduled for 2pm today. They are going to go back into her abdomen and check for infection, make sure her bowels are not sticking again, and some other tasks that I can't remember right now. If it look good, Monday will be the day they will close her up. So everyone PRAY REALLY REALLY REALLY HARD that she will be clean inside so we can move forward.

I am holding up well. I get asked that question a lot. I have a place to sleep at night and shower in the morning. I can even do laundry there, so that is nice. I have changed my cell phone voice mail message to a status update, so you can always call and get the latest info there, check here, or Face Book. My minutes are still in peril (and thanks for some good friends in Springville they doubled what I had or I wouldn't even be able to talk at ALL on the phone. I am on Skype now, so if you would like to visit that way for short periods of time, e-mail me and I will send you my username so you can find me.

I am looking forward to my parents and family coming today. It is ALWAYS nice to have family and friends around...and you have all done that so WONDERFULLY! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Well, I just asked her if she wants lotion on her feet and she nodded her head yes. So that is what I am going to do now. I will try to keep you updated as best I can.



  1. I have literally cried myself to sleep the past few nights worrying for both of you. I am so happy to hear some good news. We just love you so much and I know that a lot of other people feel the same way. You are in our prayers every night. Allisha is tough. She can do this. And for that matter, SO ARE YOU! Hang in there!

  2. John, I have been catching up on your posts and everything that is happening. It just broke my heart when my mom told me everything that has been happening. I am glad that things are looking up, we are continuing to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.c

  3. Sorry I haven't been able to be down there yet. I sill be there this week sometime. I sent you a text message and then Cassy informed me that your phone doesn't get texts. So I'll send one to Allisha's phone later. You have all been in our prayers daily. Allisha is a fighter and she has a lot to live for. Keep the faith!! Love you lots!
    Patsy and Larry


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