Saturday, June 04, 2011

Day #13- ICU- (Tubeless in Provo)

Saturday the 13th...Hmmmm. I could have sworn it was Friday the 13th. I have been in an interesting mood today. Grumpy with a touch of down right snotty. I can't really explain why I feel this way. I was angry at myself, at my wife, at everyone who looked at me...

I think my mind decided that since she was going to be okay, that she was closed, that she was off her tube, that since all the doctors today had very positive outlooks- I think my mind decided that all the worry, frustration, anger, concern, and "why us"-ness melted into one moody day of release. I hope that it mostly came across as annoyed, not flippant or rude. So sorry to those who came to visit today if my attitude and mood was a little off-putting. I really did try hard to repress it. But, at the same time, I am thankful to have let it out and I am ready to move forward.

This has been a very monumental day for my wife. She was able to get clearance from her surgeon, her respiratory therapist, and her ICU doctor to have her breathing tube removed. Her parents arrived just as they were beginning that process and for some reason, the removal of the tube was the beginning of my mood. Anyways, the tube came out and you could see her attitude, her countenance just lighten up. It was a great thing for her. She was also able to get her hair washed and cleaned up.

I enjoyed a nice lunch with a family from Green River (thank you Pettit family). It was nice to see people from home. Makes it seem like we really DID live there and we really DID have a life before all of this. Kristin also stopped by and stayed with my wife for quite a while today. I am very glad she did as well. I love that people care so much about my wife. She is one amazing lady, and needs the love and support right now to make a speedy recovery. My sister was also a trooper today and hung out with me even though I was a bit grouchy. She even took me to dinner. Thanks sis (and family).

The doctors have made it pretty clear that it will depend a lot on how well she responds to therapy as to how fast she gets to go home. So, when we get started in the next day or so, please keep her in your prayers so that she can come home soon. I long for the routine of a "normal" day with a "normal" family (if that is possible).

Well, all seems to be going really well. The nurses are very positive that she should be out of here in the next day or so.

Thanks for all the love and prayers...



  1. I think part of your mood has to do with that even though you have been out with friends and family and visitors and you have been at the hospital most all of the other time that you haven't had any breakdown time - you haven't been able to grieve alone (this process requires a bit of grieving but not like losing a loved one completely). I think you need that alone time just for a half a day or so - allow yourself to really reflect and grieve and then get back to it. She will be out of ICU before too long and hopefully home shortly after that. Still wishing her well and saying prayers for you and your family - E :)

  2. Mr. H,

    Fantastic news! And your extended family coming up and visiting with you during all of this...well, that's just great. Go and sit in a park, close to the hospital, and enjoy some "me time". Fresh air is a beautiful thing....

  3. Hi, John - I just wanted to let you know that I have been following your blog postings and I'm so glad to hear that your wife is making such positive progress. I am thinking of you and your family.


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