Tuesday, April 10, 2012

HaPpY bIrThDaY gRaNdMa!

 Today was my mother's birthday. Last night we swung by their trailer (they were camping in the State Park) and gave my mom her gift. We gave her a pot of flowers. The kids all wrote messages on the BYU blue pot with paint markers. She loved it. There two pictures are of my sons climbing up the tree next to their trailer. Man, they are little mountain goats. 

Then tonight after the kids last Jr. Jazz game, mom and dad took my brother's family and my family out to dinner. We had a great time. It was a little late, but totally worth it. The kids had fun being with grandma and each other.

 Mr. M wanted to play Rock Paper Scissors. That is his new thing. I had him play with my brother. M was totally cracking us up. He would wait until my brother made a shape then change his to win. OR, just say, "Oh, my scissors totally cut your rock!". I appreciate my brother for playing and having fun.

So, thanks for a great dinner and good company.
Happy Birthday Mom! I love you.



  1. Howdy Mr. H,

    Congratulations to your mom on her birthday! Your gift idea, I think, is great. I don't know of any woman that doesn't like a nice batch of flowers.


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