Friday, August 24, 2012

Share the Wealth- August 25, 2012

Happy Saturday Dear Friends!

     I am excited for this awesome opportunity that you have to gather in some great free items, yet again, from amazing teacher-authors. The best part about these great items is the that they come from teachers who are teaching- who are in the classroom and know what works and what doesn't. So, unlike large corporations that sell you a mega book at an outrageous price for the two activities you need, these teacher-authors refine their proven lessons- lesson focused on specific topics- and allow you to acquire them for use in your own classroom. 

     Most of us remember the old saying: "Why reinvent the wheel?". So, I ask you... Why spend time creating something that is most likely already out there ready to go (and... won't require you to spend your weekend creating what you need from scratch)?.

     Next week will be the final week of Share the Wealth in its current format. Look for some very exciting changes that will make sharing the wealth an even MORE exciting event.

Remember, if you want to be a contributor to Share the Wealth this week, click HERE (or add your own item to the linky).

"Share the Wealth" Saturdays Participants
1. Graphic Organizer for ANY Fiction Book by MrHughes (Grades 3-8)
2. Life cycle of Plants Unit Anchor Charts
3. Graphing Linear Equations with Color by Lindsay Perro (Grades: 7 - 9)
4. 'Dragon' Them Back to School: Team building activities by Jan Bernard (grades2-5
5. Personal Narrative Graphic Organizer from Upper Grades Are Awesome (Grades: 4-8)
6. Addition and Multiplication Grids by gingerose
7. Human BINGO Get To Know You Activity by Brooke Beverly Conway (All grades)
8. Reading Workshop: Picking Just Right Books
9. Calendar Numbers created by Alimath (Grades K-1)
10. Positive Message Posters by The Peanut Gallery
11. Sequence & Series Football-Themed Review Game for Algebra 2 (Grades 9-12)
12. Kindergarten Don't Get Skunked Sight Words by Arlene Sandberg (K-1)
13. Brain Sprinkles and Shhhh Spray Labels from Martha Moore (Pre-K-3rd
14. Dots Fun for Everyone - Activities Using Dominoes by Scipi (grades 3-6)
15. Back To School Bulletin Board (K-3)
16. Free English Letter Box Labels (Grades PK-K)
17. Wild Animals Sound Bingo (Grades 4-7)
18. 120 Grid Game from Primary Inspiration
19. Back-to-School Calendar Freebie(Grades: PreK-12)
20. A Full Classroom
21. Back to School Foldable Book! Fun First Day Activity
22. QR Code Consonant Blends Review
23. ABC's of Positive and Encouraging Words for all ages Brandy Baele
24. Teachingisagift
25. Counting Bears Sorting Mats
26. Getting to Know You! By "That Classroom's Good Stuff!" Grades K-5

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  1. Thanks so much for sharing all of these wonderful freebies!

  2. Yes, thank you! I love this blog - I always get so many ideas...

  3. Thank you so much for allowing me to link up!
    Patti :)
    A Series of 3rd Grade Events

  4. Oops!!! I didn't think my link worked and I accidentally entered twice here and submitted a Google doc. Sorry :( I hope you can correct my mistake.
    Patti :)

  5. hELLO aLL-

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Patti- I will look into it. No worries, just glad to have join us!

    Everyone have a fantastic day!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Thanks so much for this Saturday "event." With school starting I am searching for ideas.I am anxious to see your new Saturday format. Love your blog.

  8. Nothy Lane- Thanks for your kind words!

    Mrs. Full- Thanks for stopping by. I hope that you can find some amazing items to help ease you back into the school year! :) I am excited about the new Share the Wealth format too! Please stop by again soon!

  9. Mr. Hughes,
    I am posting another freebie this week. Sorry to hear that you are changing formats. Perhaps I could take over and host the FREEBIE Saturdays? Let me know what you think? I am back to school in less than 10 days:)
    Thanks again for setting this up...great sharing!

  10. Greetings Ms. M-
    I appreciate your offer, however, I am not getting rid of Share the Wealth. :) I am simply going to change the format so that there are different offerings. I have been tracking these and participation is waning. Therefore, I want to freshen it up a bit. So, you will still be able to share, you will still be able to get some great freebies, AND you may get a chance to be in the spotlight! :)

    Have a fantastic weekend, and again, I appreciate your concern and offer.


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