Friday, November 02, 2012

Share the Wealth- November 3, 2012

Greetings Dear Teachers and Non-Teachers,

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you back to Share the Wealth. This week is the FREEBIE LINKY! WAHOO! Free is awesome. I hope that you October festivities were all you wanted them to be. Me? I am grateful I survived another Halloween- wait, I mean the day AFTER Halloween! Phew...

I love this new fall holiday towards which we are headed. Just think, a whole month devoted to giving thanks for the amazing things we have.

I must say, that until two years ago, when my wife nearly died and we were in the hospital for almost a solid month, I didn't really appreciate and have the proper gratitude for life and what I have. The friends, the out pouring of love was completely overwhelming. I am still humbled at the thought of all that was done for our family at that time.

It's those scary, hard times that make us most grateful for what we already have in front of us. To those on the East coast, our family prays daily for your safety, as I am sure do many others in our great nation! We hope you stay safe and your life returns to "normal" soon.

I also hope that as you browse the amazing items that are being offered free to you today, you will take a moment that let the teacher-author know what you think of their resource!

Enjoy the feast of Freebies...

Have a great day! Remember Share the Wealth by Clicking on a social media button at the bottom of the post! Thanks!

            November 3, 2012 
"Share the Wealth" Saturdays Participants
1. Turkey Pick-a-Story by MrHughes (Grades 3-8)
2. Graphing Christine Maxwell (Pre-K , 1st, 2nd
3. Gingerbread Bump! Addition Game by Teacher Tam (PreK to 2nd)
4. Whooo Am I? Riddle Craftivity
5. New Blogger Tips (Staff)
6. Thanksgiving Dinner (Writing Menu) by The Peanut Gallery (Grades 1-6
7. Election Day Picture/Word/Fact Cards
8. My Thankful Mini Book PK-2
9. Spanish My Thankful Mini Book PK-2
10. Thanksgiving Early Finisher Art Packet by the Lesson Lady (Grades 2-6)
11. Dots Fun - Domino Activities for the Primary Grades by Scipi
12. Christmas Vocab Charts & 8 Writing Tasks by Clever Classroom (Grades: 1-2)
13. Angle Vocabulary Flips from Elena Fryer (Grades 3-5)
14. Santa's Prickly Punctuation Problem from Jan Bernard (Grades 1-5)
15. Pumpkin Picking clip art set
16. CHOICE boards and Menus for Math and Social Studies
17. Long A illustrated word wall
18. Turkey Clip Art and Templates from Blair Turner (Grades: K-4)
19. Holiday Word Search Puzzle Package Created by Poetgrl78 (Grades 4-12)
20. The Poem A Reading In Unlove and questions from Poetgrl78 (Grades 11-12)
21. Retelling of Thanksgiving at the Tappletons' by Sue Wind grades 1-3
22. Skip Counting Posters from TheHappyTeacher {Grades K-5}
23. Daily Schedule from AliMaths (Grades 1-4)
24. Color by code sight words & numbers (k-2)
25. Oh Turkey! sight words & numbers (k-2)
26. Stephen Wolfe
27. Me on The Map Book and Quiz
28. Tales of a First Grade Teacher
29. Super Hero 'e' Freebie
30. Autumn Papers for Writing
31. Gumball Dolch Sight Word PowerPoints
32. Non-Fiction Notes by Hilary Gard (Grades 2+)


  1. great idea!
    I posted to my blog and then realized, everyone else was posting to a product. I do have freebies on my also added a specific product.
    stop by and check out my little blog when you have the chance.

  2. Well, I accidentally posted my name instead of the name of my freebie. The link takes one to my blog where the Nonfiction Notes freebie is! Oops! I am still really newe at this!


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