Saturday, August 17, 2013

Share the Wealth Teacher-Author Spotlight- Faith Siegrist of Classy Classroom

Here we are, meeting again for a great Saturday adventure. WAHOO! A few reminders and points of information before we begin this great spotlight moment!

  • Teacher's Pay Teachers Site Wide MEGA Sale starts Sunday and ends Monday midnight Hawaiian Time. If you are night owl like me, you will wait for the switch to happen at 12am central time and then shop your heart out early... ha ha.
  • Teacher's Notebook is running a week long sale that ends tomorrow (Sunday)
  • Tools for Schools is an AMAZING new site for buying and selling teacher resources. This site is created and maintained by the awesome ePals corporation. Both are totally worth your time to check out! Click HERE to see what you can be a part of.
  • There is an amazing Back to School Blog Hop going on right now with an amazing Teacher's Survival Bundle of goodies. Totally check this one out. Click HERE to join the HOP (After your read about this amazing teacher, of course!) Enter the drawing at the bottom of this post as well.
  • And lastly, I was asked to be the lead for the new 6th Grade board on the totally amazing new Teachers on Pinterest Community. Check it out HERE. Or ALL the different grades and topics HERE.

Okay, updates over. 

Let's get this party started and meet FAITH SIEGRIST! Faith hails us from Pennsylvania. When I asked faith for a short bio about herself, this is what she wrote:  "I live in wonderful Lancaster County, Pa with my husband and 9th grade son and 8th grade daughter.  I have been blessed with 13 years classroom teaching.  Most of those years were spent in 5th grade, but recently decided to move to my new class of 3rd graders.  What a great age!! Ironically, I started on TPT because I had been creating "classroom decor" packets for myself and friends of mine who wanted more for their classrooms than what could be found in the stores.  Once of my teacher friends put me onto TPT and the rest they say is history.  I just had my 1 year anniversary on TPT.  Not only do I love creating items for my classroom, but I have been addicted to many other creators on TPT and use a ton of their items in my classroom.  My wishlist grows everyday!!!"

Faith sure sounds like a team mate I would enjoy working with! Each time I meet new teachers and work with them to get information for the spotlight posts, I am always most curious about their resources. Each time I get a file to look at, I can't help but be judgmental. After all, I am a teacher-author too! When I saw the title of Faith's resource, I was immediately drawn to open it. If you ever looked through my store, you will see that I like to create resources that make the kids do more than just answer a question. Many of my resources actually require "constructing" something for the final result, like a dodecahedron. Check THIS OUT:

Now, I realize that I didn't include a TON of pages, but I didn't feel right about showing anything more than this! How cool is that! A biography in a box. The kit is labeled as grades 2-6, but I would say that it is more geared to the younger grades. It does come with a grading rubric, which I this is great. I will say that while super fun and cute, I wouldn't ask a 6th grader to fill this one out. But, it has all the info I need, so it is still useful for me as the teacher. 

The cost of this project is $3.00, which I think is VERY reasonable. I know just how much work ti takes to create and format this buildable resources!

As I was looking over her store, I noticed that she has a Back to School edition as well! It too is $3

I asked Faith to share 9 resources she felt you should check out, I also encouraged her to share some FREE resources. After all, we are a test-drive kind of world. Here are Faith's nine recommendations from her shop:

Faith's 4.0 vote score tells me that she has quality resources, and 350 other buyers agree! I hope you will take a minute or two and check out what she has to offer your classroom.

You can also collaborate with Faith on her BLOG and on Facebook.

Have a great day and please remember to Share the Wealth by using one of the media button below.


-Mr. Hughes 

Please Note: This was NOT a paid review of this teacher-author. Neither money nor product influenced my opinions or statements about this seller and his/her products. Also, prices, ratings, and changes to products after my review may occur, but I do strive to give the most current and accurate information possible at the time of this posting.

Enter the Teacher Survival Bundle Giveaway here:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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