Saturday, September 28, 2013

FREEBIES on the LOOSE! Share the Wealth Freebie Linky- September 28, 2013

Howdy Friends!
I apologize for being out of the loop. It has been crazy at my house and will get even more so for the next several weeks to even months. Life can do that to the best of us.

I thought I would throw a Share the Wealth Saturday event today to help get us in the spirit for fall! Below, please find (among regular activities) great fall freebies! WAHOO!

Have an amazing Saturday and Weekend. and as always, I am counting on YOU to help SHARE THE WEALTH! Use the social media plug-ins at the end of the post to help let the world know where to find some amazing free resources.

-Happy Fall!
Mr. Hughes

Want to link UP? WONDERFUL!
Please note the following requirements:
1- Only ONE resource per person.
2- FREE resources only!
3- Put your RESOURCE title in the NAME box.
4- SHARE with at least ONE social network: pinterest, facebook, google, or a blog post (use the image at the top of this post.)


  1. Thanks for hosting this linky and sending the reminder emails. Hopefully you only have a few weeks of crazy ;)

    Upper Grades Are Awesome

    1. Thanks! ha ha. I appreciate your linking up and commenting. Enjoy your weekend. :)

  2. Thanks for the reminder-- love being able to share/find resources. Off to Tweet, post, etc.

  3. Thank you again for doing this and for emailing us when it's happening!

    1. You are very welcome. Thanks for linking up. :)

  4. Replies
    1. You are most welcome. Thank you for being so supportive. Cheers!

  5. As always, thanks for the great linky!

  6. John,
    I don't have anything to link up...have my own chaos going on here still BUT I wanted to say I have been reading your updates about your sweet angel wife, and I am so very happy to hear how quickly she is recovering. You are all in my thoughts and my prayers:)

  7. Thanks so much for the chance to share! Have a great weekend!

  8. Thanks, John. There are some great freebies here! I can't wait to take a closer look at them!

  9. Great linky! Love these freebies and hope that others will enjoy mine as well! Thank you!

    Mrs. O
    Mrs O Knows

  10. I know what you mean about being so busy! I am just coming up for air:) Hopefully we will get a breather soon...:)

  11. Thanks again Mr. Hughes! Love that you are adding Kindergarten Order Ups! I am teaching K now and it is a whole new ballgame from 4th and 5th grade AIG! Pam

  12. I'm glad to be back, I have missed doing your linkys...great job Mr. Hughes!
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After


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