Tuesday, July 15, 2014

After This Move... I Will Be Right Back!

Howdy Dear Friends!
Just wanted to give you a quick update and let you know that I will be "back" soon. We are moving this week and it has been quite the adventure thus far. We have the new flooring and will be having the new furniture delivered tomorrow. Then the moving REALLY begins and we will move the rest of our stuff. I appreciate your kindness and patience as I have been slow to answer emails and requests.

Just know I haven't forgotten, I am just a little crazy-busy right now. I shall be back soon! WAHOO!


  1. Yay on closing and moving, maybe - lol. I've missed chatting and all but I know when you get settled and before school starts we will get together to make plans for me to be in class with your new group of students. Mrs. E :)

    Elysabeth Eldering
    Finally Home, a Kelly Watson, YA mystery

    1. Sounds like a plan. We are getting settled and I can finish my classroom soon WAHOO!

  2. Congrats on your new house! Sure am glad I got to finally meet you!

    1. Hey Linda-
      It was such a treat to meet you and visit for a few minutes. Hugs to you.


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