Saturday, November 08, 2014

Share the Wealth 'Give Thanks for Freebies" Linky Party!

Fall Greetings My Friends!
Time has flown by- next Friday my school year 1/3 over already!
WHAT?!?!? I hope your year is going well!

My dad posted this picture on Facebook:

It made me laugh. This is SO very true. It made me really want to host a Thanksgiving/Fall themed FREEBIE LINKY party! So, here we are, enjoying some great FREE resources. WAHOO!

However, I wanted to share a couple Holiday resources that you may want on your planning radar now!
One is my ever popular Christmas Dodecahedron Project:

This project has your kiddos reading, writing, using their math skills, not to mention art and direction following practice! You will want to start EARLY in the month so they can be enjoyed before sending them home as a holiday decoration/gift for each student's family.

If that look like TOO much- you can try the Mini-Dodecahedron Ornament Project:

There are still the 12 sides, but the projects are much shorter. a perfect project for the busy teacher.
AND, if your school doesn't celebrate the holidays, you can use this holiday-"less" Traditions Around the World Dodecahedron Project:

This projects has students working in small groups to compare and contrast traditions for various cultures around the world. If you just can't wait for December to get started on a dodecahedron project, check out my wildly popular Thanksgiving Edition!

If you aren't into Dodecahedrons (and even if you are), check out these engaging Mystery Picture activities based on words (lower grades) or parts of speech (upper grades):


Don't forget to add all these great holiday learning opportunities to your wishlist!

So, now that I have tempted you with all these hands-on holiday activities, let's get started with the Thanksgiving/Fall Themed FREEBIE Linky! Enjoy these amazing resources from teacher-authors, and be sure to leave feedback on any that you find useful/use in your classroom. WAHOO!
Have a great weekend-
Mr. Hughes


  1. I like the mystery pictures. It's always fun to throw in seasonal projects. Have a great week!

  2. Thank you for the link up! I always enjoy posting to your blog. Can't wait for the holiday link up!

  3. Thanks for the opportunity to link, John. Keep that "fat boy" away until December ... yes!!!

  4. Thank you for hosting so many great resources, John!

  5. Thanks so much! Love the Turkey and Santa.... ;)

  6. Thanks for hosting this link up! Love your blog and all the great resources!

  7. Thanks so much for the linky! Lots of great freebies here! :)

  8. Thanks for the link up! This was a great idea.

  9. Thanks for hosting this fun linky!
    Reading and Writing Redhead

  10. Once again John,

    Thanks so much - I love your linky!

    :) Shelley

  11. Great Linky! Thanks for hosting!

  12. Hi John,
    Indeed life happens. If you would be so kind, please fix the title of #50. I have no idea how that happened, but it needs fixing. Thanks! And, as always, thank you for hosting thei linky. I love these linky parties!

  13. What a fun linky! Thanks for hosting :)

  14. Thank for hosting! such little seasonal changes make an activity much more fun

  15. Thanks for hosting. I love your dodecahedron projects!

    Quinnessential Lessons


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