Monday, February 02, 2015

Product Review: Moby Max {and Giveaway}

Howdy Friends!
I have been AWOL for a while now, and it feels great to be back! 


What better way to appear than with a PRODUCT REVIEW AND GIVEAWAY! WAHOO!!!!!

Today's' Topic: MobyMax


 Mobymax is an online platform that give teachers access to varying topics for students to practice and master. It also offers prizes, reporting, one-to-one communication, among other motivational features. 

My Experience-
I have been using Moby Max for nearly two years. I just recently moved schools, so my use this year is less than I would like to admit. The reason? I only go to computers once a week, versus everyday like in the past. Set up on Moby Max is super simple and FREE, depending on the amount of access you want to features and data reporting. I used the FREE level for several months before moving to the paid platform. Why did I upgrade? Simple- it was inexpensive and it opened up a large amount of features that made it worth the cost. The content for the students in accessible in BOTH versions, however, so you CAN go the FREE route without sacrificing content!

Is it practical?
This is a question I ask myself every time I faced with the sign-up box. I have to ask myself, "Will I REALLY use this?". I always worry about getting my students loaded in the system, if it will be intuitive for my students, will the enjoy it, what makes it different from all the other platforms out there.

After spending time with my students on the program, I found that it was a platform that delivered exactly what my students needed- and I could access amazing reports- drilling down to each student's level.


-Super easy to add students! I can add my entire class of 19 in about 3-5 minutes. I LOVE that the enrollment is hassle free. The screen shot below is ALL the information you enter, and you don't HAVE to put in. Easy-Peasy!
-I love that my students can compete in contests for prizes
-It offers a placement test in each subject so students are placed where they need to work automatically! No more guessing if they are working on skills the really need!
-The ability to easily see what skills the class as a whole AND each student are rocking- OR- which skills need more work!
-Kid friendly, easy to use
-Not overwhelming- just a few problems in each practice set with IMMEDIATE feedback!
-Works on ANY device!
-Web-based- can access from home
-Reports include minutes spent on assignments
-Students earn minutes (you decide how many) by working through lesson that they can use in the game arcade! (I usually give the students time once a week to redeem their minutes and just play. They LOVE IT!)
-Frequent contests for teachers to win great prizes as well


-I gotta be honest- it isn't as graphically cutesy and eye-catching as some other platforms out there. My kiddos got over it pretty quick, and I reminded them this isn't a "game", it is interactive practice!


-FREE! WAHOO! Get started today: and create your FREE account!
-If you want ALL the bells and whistles, for just $99 a year for an unlimited amount of students, you can't go wrong!

Okay, okay...

So NOW that you have read my review of MOBYMAX, are you ready to WIN an ENTIRE YEAR of PRO FROM FREE!?!?!?!? WAHOO! Just enter on the Rafflecopter below! :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. We are working very hard in our district to differentiate across our day. I think this could be very helpful for freeing me up to work with my small groups.

  2. Thanks for all the info on Moby Max. I have head of it before, but was never sure exactly what it was. I will definitely check it out.

  3. I would love to use this in my class. We live in a transient area where new kiddos are always coming in from other states or districts. This would be helpful for differentiated practice.

  4. I use this program with my 6th Grade Tech classes in an Inner-City School District. The students love this program. They think they are "playing" but they are learning and improving on their skills. The trial is almost over and I am working with the students to convince Administration to invest in the program.

    1. Greetings!
      What an inspiring story! Thanks for sharing. I hope that you are able to make this work! :)

  5. I use MobyMax as a great reinforcer for skills being covered in class.


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