School starts (of has started) and as teachers and principals, we are all left wondering what just happened. Where did my summer go and will it ever come back? Sadly the answer is that it evaporated while we were at the beach, camping, traveling, sleeping in, taking care of family members, dealing with life issues, or working out. OR, just simply being at home with the family. Regardless, it is OVER, GONE, GOODBYE, SEE YA LATER ALLIGATOR!
Now, the real question is ARE YOU PREPARED for the students? I hope so. I have spent the summer as a new principal working, stressing, and prepping for the amazing school year to come! I have also spent time working with and getting to better know the people below in this list! Let me tell you- THEY ARE EXPERTS AT WHAT THEY DO!
With the sale going on, it would be worth your time to check out EACH professional educator's shop below and see what they have to make your back to school easy and stress free! WAHOO!
For example, my Language Arts Daily Dose and my Daily Morning Math Sets are perfect for ensuring spiral review and consistent practice of required concepts!
I wish you all a most wonderful back to school experience! ROCK ON!

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