Eli's Birthday Party
For Eli's birthday this year, it was just us (and our friend Melinda). My parents were living it up in Sun Valley, Idaho for an Emery Telcom Convention, so they weren't able to be here this time. We invited Melinda over so we could actually spend some time visiting with her and not have it be related to Master's Classes. She's becoming a really good family friend. My amazing wife decided that cupcakes would work perfectly since he LOVES finger foods! It turned out really great (thanks Ms. D for helping frost cupcakes!)
My little man loves hot dogs. We grilled a few hamburgers as well. My wonderful wife made potato salad, strawberry fruit salad, we had chips, cucumbers out of our garden, our pineapple from bountiful baskets, and apricots that the kids and I picked off of Melinda's tree that afternoon (I am excited for the upcoming apricot jam).It was so good. Eli thought so too, as you can see, he is covered in whip cream from the salad!
Taking pictures lately has been hilarious. To get him to smile you have to cheer. When you cheer he thinks he needs to clap at himself. You will notice that most of the pictures lately have him clapping- that is why!
After we had dinner all cleaned up, it was time to open presents. This is how Micah reacted when he found out it was no longer his birthday and he couldn't help Eli open them. So sad. :(
Eli was in bad need of some shoes that he could walk in. We got him these cute little brown sandals, and a pair of tennis shoes. They were stylin'!
Opening presents is serious business! Notice that Micah is still crying because he can't help.
He was fun to hold. He LOVED to rip the paper off. I am now worried about my
We finally gave in to Micah and let him help Eli open this one. (The crying was getting REALLY annoying to listen to, and it was starting to upset Eli.)
Yea a new ball popper!!
Our ball popper was just worn out. Our kids love that thing! We found this one back in February on clearance and have been saving it for Eli's birthday. I think it will be a favorite of his too!
Cute crocodile from Grandma and Grandpa Millett.
What's in this one? Love the look on his face. He was getting the hang of ripping the paper off. He'd rip a piece and throw it on the floor, and then lean over and watch it land. He thought that was great.
Some friends stopped by to return our Food Strainer about the time dinner was over, so we visited for a while, which meant that we were a little later opening gifts than originally planned and it was closer to bedtime. After a few gifts, Eli was just done. He'd had enough of opening presents.
Eli blowing out his candle. Micah and Zander helped him a little bit. Check out the bottom right cupcake. Eli attacked it before we were done singing to him! (notice Morgan restraining him now.)
The best part--Cake and Ice Cream! Happy Birthday Eli!
Here is the cutie in one of his new outfits! I still can't believe that he is one years old. How fast the grow up!
Eli's gift list: Brown Sandals, tennis shoes, 3 pair summer worthy pajamas (despirately needed these as it's been 110 degrees every day for a week now--the house doesn't get below 80 degrees very often!), ball popper, socks (from Morgan who rounded them up out of her doll clothes- LOL), stuffed crocodile, 2 new outfits (thanks Grandma and Grandpa Millett!), and a card from Great Grandma Millett. I'm sure Grandma and Grandpa Hughes will be over tomorrow when they return with a little something for him.
Thanks for letting us share this special day with you buddy!
P.S. Yes it is true, I did steal a great deal of the actual text and ALL of the pictures from my wife. She does such a great job that I never want to recreate what she has done. I did change the text quite a bit on lots of them- can YOU spot all the differences?- lol
Ha - I wouldn't even attempt to spot the differences (at like 4:39 in the morning after having just come back from the ER with my daughter) - but I did want to say it's funny how Eli looks like Micah and honestly, if I hadn't known that was Micah in the picture I would've thought it was the baby - they look very much alike - and Eli looks older than a year - my my my - how times flies - this will be our third year in class - fun fun - lol - chat soon - Mrs. E :)
ReplyDeleteElysabeth Eldering
Author of the Junior Geography Detective Squad, 50-state, mystery, trivia series
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