Sunday, May 15, 2011

Happy 12th Anniversary My Love

Today marks the 12th year of my marriage to my beautiful, talented, amazing wife.
I can't believe that our amazing journey started in Vernal in 1999. As I look back I can remember some of the good and stressful times:

Root Canals
Dr. Visits
Venture Van
Chevy Beretta
Buying a House
Having 6 children
Moving 4 times
6th Sense (I See Dead People)
Car Trips
CORE Academy
Bulletin Boards
Masters Degree
Olympics of 2002 (And watching the opening ceremonies in Idaho, going to downtown SLC)

I could spend the rest of the night listing events and items, but I think I started a list that will get you thinking and remembering! I love you, my dear, beautiful wife. Thanks for 12 great years. I look forward to eternity with you!



  1. Happy Anniversary!! Love you guys!

  2. This is so sweet and filled with love. Happy anniversary to both of you.

  3. Alright....what's the story bhind Venture Van??

    Congratulations of 12 years of marriage!

  4. Happy Belated Anniversary to you both...wait, are you both celebrating it?

  5. @Teach- we are both running on half cylinders. I need to send you an e-mail with all the latest. It is pretty crazy (and not really in a good way...)

    @Diplo- I don't know if there is much of a "story" other than we went to eat lunch at Olive Garden on a Saturday and ended up buying a Chevy Venture van. It was a bit more pricey than

    Thanks everyone for the well wishes.


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