Friday, May 20, 2011

Wishing We Were Well...

So it is hard to believe that our little girl is going on 4 weeks old. Time has come to a stand still...or maybe it is light speed. I don't know which. I don't feel much anymore except exhausted.

My wife was diagnosed with an internal infection from the C-section that was preformed. She is not doing super well. She seems to get a little better each day, and then slip backwards a few steps. I am worried about her. A lot actually. I am also barely able to function anymore with the lack of sleep I am getting. But, I need my wife to be well.

The baby seems to be doing okay. She is sure a cutie. Thankfully we have an amazing group of ladies here in town who have organized themselves together to bring in meals, sit with my wife all day while I am at school, and to watch the two little ones (especially thanks for mom and dad, Sister Robertson, and Sister McFarlane on this one). It has been hard to accept all this help (and humbling too). I just pray my wife can get over this!

So all of you out there send a few prayers our way. We have a long ways to go and I can only hope to make it...



  1. I am worried about her too. Just doesn't seem fair that she isn't feeling better by now. Hopefully soon she will be back to her normal self. Love you guys! Wish we were closer to come help.

  2. Sending prayers and love to one of my favorite nieces. Tell her that I'll keep her in my prayers.
    Love you Allisha!!

  3. We sure have been worried!! We love your family and that cute new neice! We are sending many prayers your way for a faster recovery. We are so grateful for all the help you have around you and wish we could do more but, we aren't getting much sleep either...wish we could do more but, with our new baby, we'd be a hinderance. We will keep praying for you! All our love! Reed, Cassy and kids

  4. Mr. H,

    Poor wife. I wish her well. As for your wonderful neighbors coming over and helping out, they're truly great people.

    I remember the days of getting little to no sleep. It's tough.


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